

The Moon
Astronomy Pages
Near Earth Objects
Give away a star to your friend
Your Birthday Star


Astronomy Picture of the Day

High Definition Earth Viewing
Viewing The Earth from ISS

Actual Position of the ISS


my Participation Certificate

The atlas of the universe Link
Die Andromeda Galaxy with 1.5 Billion Pixels
Direct to Zoom Picture
Night Sky Observer - resources, news sources and headlines, articles, astro-photos and links on this website. You'll also find software products and links to some of the best suppliers of astronomical gear and space-related memorabilia. Link
Reconstruction of the giant sound of the Big Bang from data of the NASA satellite WMAP.
Frequencies have been increase by a factor of 100.000 billion to make the mighty humming and mumbling easier to hear.
Download as wav or mp3

The most posted questions concerning astronomy Link - awesome site with reports about astronomy and space flight Link
Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Simply put, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey is the most ambitious astronomical survey project ever undertaken. The survey will map in detail one-quarter of the entire sky, determining the positions and absolute brightnesses of more than 100 million celestial objects. It will also measure the distances to more than a million galaxies and quasars. Apache Point Observatory, site of the SDSS telescopes, is operated by the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC). Link
This is a directory of more than 2.8 million of the world's cities and towns, sorted by country and linked to a map for each town and other data such as longitude, latitude, elevation etc. Link
The first pictures of the Earth seen from Mars Link
Pictures, Wallpapers, Videos from Hubble photos, awesome! Link - Earth observation, Earthnet Online Link
Celestron Mars Opposition 2003 Link
Mars Opposition 2003 (German) Link
Eclipse of the sun Link
The Solar System Link
INTERACTIVE GALLERY - 3D Extrasolar Planetary System, 3D Simulation Model Link
the most distant Quasar - pictures and infos Link
Change your PC to a desktop observatory. Link
GSOC Satellite Predictions Link
The scientific search for life in space Link
Welcome to the sky calendar - this website informs about satellit paths, rocket starts, comets, TV-movies, star parties, new discovered asteroids and even about polar light activity.
Get your personal astro calendar calculated daily - exactly for the location you choose.


Sky Calendar - the large astronomical observer and calculator. Link
SpaceEngine - a free space simulation program to explore the universe from planet Earth to the most distant galaxies. Link
Pictures, Wallpapers, Videos from Hubble photos, awesome! Link
SkyMap Software Homepage Link
Celestia - a FREE real-time space simulation that lets you experience our universe in three dimensions Link
OpenUniverse - an excellent Open Source solar system simulator that runs on Linux, Windows, and Macintosh Link - awesome online planetarium Link
"Hallo northern sky" software page Link
Das Planetarium 1900 - 2100 - the FREEWARE planetarium for your PC(German) Link
Stellarium - a free open source planetarium for your computer Link - The Skyplot page Link
WinStars Link
ASTRO-PC - 'Cartes du Ciel' (english) and other programs Link

The Moon

The Lunar Phases

Ein Atlas über den Mond, sehr interessant und lehrreich (gemacht von Mitgliedern der Volkssternwarte M München) Link
Calculating Moon Phases Link
The Moon - our mysterious neighbour Link


Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy Link
National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center - Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico Link
Regional Planetary Image Facility (RPIF) at the Institute for Weltraumsensorik und Planetenerkundung des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) Link
Joint Astronomy Centre Hawaii Link


Public Observatory Munich Link
Observatory Neumarkt/Oberpfalz Link
Public Observatory Geschwister Herschel, Hannover Link
Observatory Überlingen Link
Observatory Höfingen Link
Astronomical working group Salzkammergut, Observatory Gahberg Link
Southworth Planetarium - University of Southern Maine Link
Welcome to ANTARES and the Nö-Observatory Link
Pan-STARRS - the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System - is an innovative design for a wide-field imaging facility being developed at the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy. Link

Near Earth Objects

Spaceguard Foundation e.V. - founded to support the research of the near earth space for the detection, observation and calculation of asteroids and comets (Near-Earth Objects - NEOs). Link
NEAR-EARTH OBJECT PROGRAM - This Program Office was established in mid-1998 to help coordinate, and provide a focal point for, the study of those comets and asteroids that can approach the Earth's orbit Link
The Earth Impact Database is a resource that has been assembled since 1985 by researchers at the Geological Survey of Canada (a division of Natural Resources Canada). It has now been transferred to the Planetary and Space Science Centre at the University of New Brunswick Department of Geology, owing to the restructuring of various research programs of the GSC and redeployment of many those who were formerly engaged in its maintenance.
A team of researchers including, when possible, scientists from the GSC, will cooperate in continuing to maintain and update the listing according to the same protocols previously applied. Regular meetings will be held during which new published data is discussed and, where appropriate, incorporated into the database. We welcome submissions of papers, abstracts, reports and images to aid in maintaining the current status of this resource.
German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory - a project designed for building a platform to support modern astronomical research in Germany, thus becoming the German contribution to the international activities in creating a global Virtual Observatory (VO) network. Link
Astrophysical Virtual Observatory - AVO will conduct a research and demonstration programme on the scientific requirements and technologies necessary to build a VO for European astronomy. Link
International Virtual Observatory Alliance Link

Astronomy-Pages Link
Beginners Guide To Astrophotography – A Quick & Easy Tutorial Of How To Take DSLR Astro Photography Link
ultimate beginner's guide to Astrophotography Link
Sky Calendar - the large astronomical observer and calculator. Link
The Astro Encyclopedia - about 400 key words, detailed articles Link - the portal for astronomy with topics that shake the world Link
Here you will find information about planets and constellations that are visible this week...Enjoy the night sky! Link
Wonders of the Skies - A guide to astro fotography (German) Link - astronomical hints and much more.(German) Link
SATCOM - Homepage of John Locker, Freelance communications consultant - Images and animations of ISS in orbit, exclusive ISS Lunar and solar transit animations, images and animations of geostationary satellites in orbit 36,000 km above the equator. Link - discover the astronomy! With newsletter, picture gallery, lectures, encyclopedia and more. In a forum astronomical questions will be answered quickly. Free downloads and a shop with actual books, videos, DVDs, telescopes and posters. (German) Link
astro!nfo - is a independent service for astronomical informations. It is honorary operated by scientists and amteur astronomers. Link
Research Group Meteors e.V. Link
Welcome to the homepage of the VdS-working group comets! Link
What's Observable? - Currently, only asteroids and comets in JPL's DASTCOM database are identified Link
Welcome to StarDate Online! StarDate is the public education and outreach arm of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory. Our popular bimonthly astronomy magazine is the perfect skywatching companion for amateur astronomers or anyone interested in celestial events and space exploration. We also offer astronomy resources to teachers, the media, and the public. Link
A book about 3-D Star Maps of Nearby Stars, the Pleiades, Orion, and the Local Group: How to Make Stellariums, a Scale Model of the Solar System, and a Brief Explanation About Interstellar Travel. Link
Vereinigung der Sternfreunde e.V. (Association of Friends of Stars) - the biggest German speaking astronomical association with infos about actual astronomical events, news from amateur astronomy and from the association. Link
The group "Planet watchers (AKP) is a union of amateur astronomers who practise visual, photografic and digital planet observation. The AKP takes the part of the special group "planets" of the Association of Friends of Stars Link
AIC, Astronomy in the Chiemgau e.V. Link
Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers Link
The Chicago Astronomers, with interesting forum Link
British Astronomical Association, the voice of amateur astronomy in the UK - Formed in 1890, the British Astronomical Association has an international reputation for the quality of its observational and scientific work. Membership is open to all persons interested in astronomy. Link
The National Deep Sky Observers Society - "We start where the solar system ends!" Link
The sky above Berlin Link
Space library, a NASA/JPL/Caltech spyglass on the cosmos. Images and programs which will help you visualize the Solar System and NASA space missions using computer graphics. Link
This site contains formulas, algorithms and some code for calculating the coordinates and the rise, transit and set times of the Sun, Moon and the planets. You will also find some information on plotting star charts, horizon charts and planispheres; all based on the polar and equatorial stereographic projection. Link
Earth and Moon viewer Link
Björn Jónsson's homepage - These pages are devoted to 3D computer graphics, particularly renderings and maps of the planets and satellites of our solar system and the spacecraft that have explored them Link
Focus-Online, Astronomy, Starry Sky Link
The Space Page Link
The German online service for astronomy, astrophysics and spaceflight Link
Multimedia Tour of the Solar System Link
Travel guide through space Link

Give away a star to your friend

Give away a star to your friend Link

Your Birthday Star

Birthday Star Web Site Link
Birthday Star direct Link Link

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