Area51 at Google Earth
(Scroll down for English version)
Koordinaten der Area 51, Groomlake in Google Earth:
37 14.2238' N,115 47.0496' W
Ein Zielkreuz ganz in der Nähe:
37 33.5012' N,116 51.0407' W
33 23' N,104 31' W
34 14' N,105 35' W
Der Extraterrestrial Highway nördlich von Las Vegas entlang Area51:
Startpunkt West (Palm Springs, Route 6):
38 11.2909' N,116 21.5938' W
37 47.0383' N,115 59.1916' W
Startpunkt Ost (Route 93):
37 31.3118' N,115 15.2240' W
Es lohnt sich in diesem Gebiet etwas ausführlicher zu suchen, es gibt allerlei dubiose Linien und Markierungen.
Coordinates of Area 51, Groomlake at Google Earth:
37 14.2238' N,115 47.0496' W
A cross like a target nearby:
37 33.5012' N,116 51.0407' W
33 23' N,104 31' W
34 14' N,105 35' W
The extraterrestrial Highway northern of Las Vegas along Area51:
Starting Point West: (Palm Springs, Route 6)
38 11.2909' N,116 21.5938' W
37 47.0383' N,115 59.1916' W
Starting Point East: (Route 93)
37 31.3118' N,115 15.2240' W
It is worth to look around in this area, there are a lot of strange lines and markings.