BootSkins for Windows XP®
Deutsche Version

With these Bootskins you may replace the boring boot screen of WinXP.

The Bootskins are my own work and they are free for general use.
They have been downloaded from the official site more than 400,000 times

These pictures are also available on my
own site, and at my Gallery at

These and more Bootskins with other schemes at

If you want to make your own bootskins I have made a short tutorial.

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If you like these Bootskins you may appreciate my work via PayPal:
(Click here for the Skins)

Perry Rhodan Bootskins
R Z J - Concepts of Utopic Design
Science Fiction / Fantasy
Villa Galactica
Outpost 13
The Brycegate
Laital - The new Science Fiction Universe
Miscellaneous Bootskins

Installation of Bootskins in Windows XP

You need the freeware program 'BootSkin' for managing and changing of the
Windows bootscreen which you may download here.

Install this program.

With a double click on the downloaded bootskin the program starts
and the bootskin is loaded to the program's selection window.

Set the desired skin 'aktive'.
A popup window shows this skin to be chosen for the Windows Bootscreen.
Now you can close the program.

After a reboot of Windows your selected skin should be shown during startup.

Attention: I discovered that e.g. the Internet Explorer saves the downloaded Skin as .zip file.
This file has to be renamed as .bootskin!

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